Cuadernos de Administración <p>The <em><strong>Cuadernos de Administración</strong></em> journal is the official publication by the Universidad del Valle's Management Sciences Faculty. It is edited and published every 4 months. The journal publishes original papers and review and discussion articles in the areas of management and organizations, accounting, economics and international trade, marketing, and public policy. Since 1976, the journal aims to promote research in such fields of study by publishing high quality papers and setting up a space of international visibility for authors.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> en-US (Revista Cuadernos de Administración) (Revista Cuadernos de Administración) Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500 OJS 60 Mediator organizational justice in the relationship between power distance and organizational alienation <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the mediator role of organizational justice between healthcare workers power distance and organizational alienation. In the research, power distance is independent variable, organizational alienation is the dependent variable, and organizational justice is the mediating variable. The study used convenience sampling to reach 491 employees out of 4974 active employees from 14 public hospitals in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. A survey was used in this research. The research analysis was carried out using the SPSS package programme. SPSS Process macro was used to determine the effect of mediation and Model 4 was used for mediation. The results of the study showed a positive association between power distance and organizational alienation.Also, the study results show a negative relationship between power distance and perception of organizational justice; It was concluded that there is a negative relationship between organizational alienation and perception of organizational justice. showed.Organizational justice has a significant mediating role in the effect of power distance on organizational alienation.</p> Gülizar Gülcan Şeremet, Zekai Öztürk Copyright (c) 2024 Gülizar Gülcan Şeremet, Zekai Öztürk Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Technical efficiency in secondary education and health for developed and developing countries: an estimate for 2018 <p><br />This paper employs a two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to estimate technical efficiency in secondary education and health for 59 and 73 countries, respectively, using data from 2018. The analysis tackles important issues, such as the incidence of outliers and the incorporation of non-discretionary variables. Although other papers use monetary figures (e.g., expenditures) as inputs due to the difficulty of accessing physical units, we avoid this practice due to the risk it entails, such as neglecting the incidence of different cost structures in the outcomes associated with the implementation of financial resources; additionally, there are relatively few publications on efficiency that include more than one sector. According to the study, the technical output-oriented efficiency in the health sector is higher than in the education sector, with efficiency indices of 0.995 and 0.887, respectively. Likewise, it is observed that the countries that obtain greater output quantities are also the most efficient in each sector, not necessarily those that use fewer inputs.<br /><br /></p> Víctor Mauricio Castañeda-Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2024 Víctor Mauricio Castañeda-Rodríguez Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Impact factors in innovation management. Vision from the state companies <p>Innovation is becoming an increasingly important factor in the world’s economies, and therefore a timely solution to problems in companies and their contribution to the sustainable development of society. One of the first steps for its successful operation is to analyse the conditions that exist in companies and the factors that affect them. The objective of this study is to identify the impact factors on innovation management in Cuban state-owned enterprises. A Bayesian network model was constructed to analyse the behaviour of the process in several state-owned enterprises in the province of Camagüey, which are strategically important to the country. The results indicate that among the factors with the greatest impact are: leadership of innovation activities, documentation or registration of processes and their results, and the organisation’s links with other entities. It can be concluded that the tools of document, information and knowledge management, in their continuous interrelation, are factors that favour innovation management.</p> Natali de la Caridad Sosa Pérez, Yoan Martínez López, Gregorio Garciandía Mirón, Maria Eugenia Rivera López Copyright (c) 2024 Natali de la Caridad Sosa Pérez, Yoan Martínez López, Gregorio Garciandía Mirón, Maria Eugenia Rivera López Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Four leadership models and their effects on distributed (remote) work <p><br />The worldwide consequences generated by the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated and changed the way of working as people were abruptly led away from face-to-face interaction with their leaders. Therefore, the global situation forced organizations to review their leadership models seeking to adjust them to the new or rushed forms of distributed work. For this reason, four of the most solid and widely used leadership models are explained, and the definitions of distributed work and its associated variables are reviewed to finally explain the influence found in these models on the new forms of work. The method that was used for the preparation of this work was based on a systematic review from results of research to what and found evidence regarding the relationship between these two variables. Leadership in distributed groups have shown an impact that has progressively increased both in terms of trends, evolution, and models. It was identified that FRL and situational models have effects on distributed workers because they facilitate commitment, goal achievement, and the engagement of collaborators. It is necessary to go deeper into the study of the other models with the aim of empirically verifying the effects they have on distributed work.<br /><br /></p> Andrés Felipe  Alzate Restrepo, Andrés Felipe Ayala Marín, Claudia Rosa Cordoba Cadavid Copyright (c) 2024 Andrés Felipe  Alzate Restrepo, Andrés Felipe Ayala Marín, Claudia Rosa Cordoba Cadavid Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Design and psychometric validation of a Customer Analytics Capabilities (CAC) scale: empirical evidence in Colombian organizations <p>A pesar de que la medición de las capacidades de analítica del cliente (CAC) ha venido despertando interés entre académicos y empresarios, se carece de un instrumento que sintetice y describa las principales rutinas organizativas implicadas en tal constructo, sobre la base de manifestaciones empíricas aportadas por la literatura científica. El estudio busca aportar al cierre de esta brecha, mediante el diseño y validación psicométrica de un modelo de medida de las CAC. La muestra comprende datos de encuestas de 101 empresas colombianas; la fuente de información corresponde a profesionales de áreas de mercadeo o analítica. Se utiliza un marco de analítica psicométrica, el cual incorpora análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. Se obtienen dos modelos de medida plausibles: uno unidimensional y otro tridimensional. El tridimensional consta de 10 ítems agrupados en los factores: capacidad para la analítica de captura de clientes, capacidad para la analítica del sostenimiento de clientes, y capacidad para la analítica de la evaluación económica de clientes. Éste satisface criterios de ajuste, validez de contenido, validez convergente y discriminante, fiabilidad y equidad (examinando área, cargo e infraestructura para analítica) y es útil cuando se desea profundizar en las dimensiones que conforman las CAC. El modelo unidimensional contiene 14 ítems, también presenta calidad psicométrica y es útil cuando se desea una aproximación parsimoniosa al atributo general de las CAC, sin requerir profundización o segmentación según dimensiones. Las escalas desarrolladas hacen medibles las CAC, a partir de un conjunto de rutinas que reconfiguran capacidades operacionales tradicionales en mercadeo. A su vez, facilitan la ejecución de diagnósticos organizativos confiables y la definición de agendas de trabajo para departamentos de analítica. Igualmente, propician futuros trabajos de relacionamiento entre las CAC y el desempeño empresarial.</p> María Alejandra Maya Restrepo, Jorge Iván Pérez Rave Copyright (c) 2024 María Alejandra Maya Restrepo, Jorge Iván Pérez Rave Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Evaluation of the implementation of the School Feeding Program in Cali. The PAE at the blackboard <p>The aim of this article is to assess the execution of the School Feeding Program (Programa de Alimentación Escolar) [PAE] in Cali between 2016 and 2019, focusing on its role in promoting healthy eating habits. Clear, concise language and technical terms have been employed, with an objective and balanced approach throughout. The study used documentary analysis to explore the program’s development at both national and local levels, as well as the impact of new public management strategies since its establishment in 1936. In addition, stakeholder interviews were conducted and analyzed alongside program documents using the thematic networks methodology to characterize the program based on its theory. The primary findings suggest that while the program is effective, there are implementation flaws. As a result, adjustments in the design of the school feeding program are essential to gradually attain effect indicators. The results constribute to the construction of evaluative knowledge on new public management processes, in particular, in relation to effectiveness. </p> Christian Zapata; Silvia Caicedo-Muñoz Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Mauricio Zapata Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Resumen del Número <p>.</p> Editor General Copyright (c) 2024 Editor General Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Editorial <p>.</p> Editor General Copyright (c) 2024 Editor General Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500