Tourism typologies likely to contribute to the economic and social resilience of Palermo – Huila
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In a resilient context for some regions of the country in the hopeful framework that is the peace agreement, there are many potentialities and attractions that the territories today try to make visible to articulate them to the economic circuits of local development. The relative peace offered by the peace agreements in regions such as Huila and in the Municipality of Palermo, constitutes a factor of social and economic resilience, with tourism as a catalyst and promoter of development. In this scenario, the present research work has the purpose of finding the existing relationship in the potential patterns of the tourist plan and its incidence in the management of sustainable development of the Municipality of Palermo, Huila-Colombia-, in post-pandemic, for which use is made of the techniques offered by quantitative research, through the collection of primary information in the field and consultation of secondary bibliographic information available in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce as well as in databases, where the decision to prioritize or a resource or dominant attraction, is based on the judgment of experts and through comparisons offered by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, Saaty (1980). The use of the announced method allows prioritizing among the different typologies and attractions present in the Municipality of Palermo, the Playa Juncal Recreational Center, as the anchor and articulating product between the management of sustainable development of the territory and the actions of policy makers between levels of government to promote, within a framework of peace and Post-COVID social resilience, tourism in those forgotten territories for reasons that the conflict is responsible for generating.
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Accepted 2023-06-27
Published 2023-06-27

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