Information For Authors

Cuadernos de Administración scientific, disciplinary and thematic publication in the Sciences of Administration, with the core objective of disseminating methodologically and conceptually rigorously processed studies of interest to the academic community. It seeks to be a scenario to debate national and international tendencies, thereby contributing to the consolidation of study disciplines, and receives contributions in Spanish, English and French.

If you want to register or apply to this journal to send a manuscript, please request the creation of a user as an author by sending your basic information: names, surnames, affiliation, notification email and ORCID to the contact email of Journal:


Rules for Authors, Cuadernos de Administración journal

The Cuadernos de Administración journal publishes original and unpublished scientific papers, i.e. those that have not previously been published in any printed, electronic or digital means. Authors will attest in writing to the originality, authorship thereof when submitting their papers, and those picked for publishing must signed an originality charter.

Papers are accepted for final publication after a rigorous process of reviewing their quality and academic relevance, pursuant to the evaluation by arbitrators outside the journal. It will take into account for review papers submitted through the Open Journal System:

Papers sent after the deadline will not be received for the call.

If two or more manuscripts by the same author are received in the same call, it should be borne in mind that only one paper will be published should it meet the technical requirements for publication; the selection will depend on the evaluation made by the members of the Editorial Committee. Researchers who have participated as authors of a paper published in the journal may only submit another manuscript for a new call if at least one year has elapsed since their last publication or the equivalent of three editions.

Manuscripts' Technical requirements

  1. Length of the document. Minimum 20 pages and maximum 25, including bibliographic references.
  2. Spacing and margins. 1.5 spaced paragraphs and 3 cm margins on all sides.
  3. Font size and type. Titles and subtitles begin with capital letters and must be consecutively numbered. Arial letter 12 points for text, titles and subtitles; Arial 10 points for footnotes, and table, graphs and figures.
  4. Tables, graphs and figures. Cited within the text with consecutive numbering for each type, specifying the title and the source of preparation following APA citation standards (American Psychological Association) 6th edition. Should it be the authors own elaboration, the same rule will be followed.
  5. Bibliographic references. For the sources consulted, use 7th edition of the APA standards.

Order of the manuscript

  1. Document Header. Title, abstract and keywords in the original language with translation into English (keywords) or Spanish, as the case may be. JEL Code, Thematic line.   
  2. Body of the text. Tables, graphs and figures go at the end with their respective citation within the text, annexes and references in alphabetical order.

Document Header

  1. The title must be precise, in accordance with the content of the paper and not exceed 12 words. If possible, the title should not use abbreviations or acronyms. Include in the original language and translated into English or Spanish (as the case may be).
  2. Authors' information. Include the full names of each author. In the footnote of the first page with the number 1 the first author, two for the second and so on. Add the main data of each author in the following order:
  • Affiliation: Position, department, faculty, university, city and country.
  • Education: Undergraduate degree and last degree obtained, which must contain the name of the institution, city and country.
  • Contact information: Institutional e-mail address, correspondence address, ORCID.
  • Abstract: It explains the development of the manuscript with regards to its subject matter, while detailing its background, methodology, consequences and results. It is a summarized analysis of the concepts, approaches and fundamental ideas, following the structure of the original text, highlighting its essential elements and maintaining the main idea. It must be at least 150 words and maximum 250 words in length with translation into English.
  • Keywords. Are those that identify the topic developed in the paper and listed in their original language, with translation into English or Spanish (as the case may be). There must be at least four and maximum seven words separated by commas.
  • All papers must be JEL rated:
  • Thematic lines: Administration and Organizations, Accounting, Economics and International Trade, Marketing, Public Policies.

Main text of the manuscript

It is recommended to write in style and in third person, observing the general rules of spelling and accent marks when appropriate. Expressions in other languages or foreign voices go in italics (e.g., ad honoren). The body of the manuscript must strictly meet the enumerated sections for each modality as explained below:

  1. Introduction:The purpose shall be stated with a synthesis of the justification for the study. This section will include only the strictly necessary bibliographical references and shall include no data or conclusions.
  2. Results.It presents the results of the study well argued, with tables, graphs and figures in a logical sequence. Avoid the repetition of data in tables, figures or graphs in the body of the text.
  3. Tables.They must be presented in the original program (editable format), with consecutive numbering in the order of their first citation within the text; keep the title short. Precise explanations may be in footnotes identified with consecutive numbering, not in the header. These notes should specify the unusual abbreviations used in each table; each table is cited in the text. For data published or nor coming from another source, permission should be obtained to reproduce them. If the table has already been published, cite the original source and provide written permission from the copyright holder for reproduction of the material. This authorization is necessary, regardless of who the author or publisher is, an exception to copyright is made when taking documents of public domain; however, the original author must always be cited.
  4. Figures and graphs. They will be drawn in a professional and clear manner in order to avoid problems of comprehension at the time of editing. The letters, numbers and symbols will be clear and uniform in all illustrations and shall be of sufficient size to remain legible after the reduction required for their publication. Titles and detailed explanations will be included in the captions of the illustrations and not therein. Figures and graphs will be numbered consecutively according to their first mention in the text; if the figure has already been published, cite the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder for reproduction of the material. This authorization is necessary, regardless of who the author or publisher might be, an exception to copyright is made when taking documents of public domain; but always citing the original author. The maximum number of tables, figures, graphs should not exceed two per page in the presentation of the results and should be submitted in editable format.
  5. Discussion.The body of the work includes the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions drawn from them. Data or other information already included in the introduction and results sections should not be repeated in detail. Explain the meaning of the results, the limitations of the study, as well as its usages and values for future research. The observations made will be compared with those of other relevant studies.
  6. Conclusions. These should relate to the objectives, and avoid statements and conclusions not fully substantiated by the data or unsubstantiated. No unfinished work will be cited. New hypotheses may be proposed where justified, but must be clearly identified as such. Recommendations may be included where appropriate.
  7. Abbreviations. Use only standard abbreviations; avoid abbreviations in the title and in the abstract. Where an abbreviation is used in the text for the first time, it shall be preceded by the full term, except in the case of a common unit of measurement.
  8. Bibliographic citations. Will be identified within the text, both papers and books, by using paretheses as provided for in APA standards 7th edition.
  9. Bibliographic references. All manuscripts must follow the 6th edition of the APA standards. These will be included at the end of the document in alphabetical order without numbering and outdent, listing only the authors cited within the text. When it is necessary to include several papers by the same author, they should be listed in order by year of publication from the oldest to the most recent. In addition, each reference must contain the URL or DOI.

Sections Policy

Scientific and technological research articles: It's a work wherein the author presents the original results his research and is structured as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Methodology
  3. Results and discussion
  4. Conclusions
  5. Bibliographic references
  6. An additional section for acknowledgements may be included

Reflection articles: a document that presents the results of completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific topic, using original sources. Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical framework
  3. Discussion
  4. References

Review articlea document resulting from an already-concluded research, which analyzes, systematizes and integrates the results of published and unpublished research about a field of science or technology, in order to account for the breakthroughs and development tendencies. It is characterized by a careful bibliographic review of the existing literature (minimum 50 references). Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical framework
  3. Theoretical development
  4. References

Topic review: document resulting from the critical review of the literature on a particular topic; it must have a minimum 50 references.

Letters to the editor: critical, analytical or interpretative positions on the documents published in the journal, which in the opinion of the Editorial Committee constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the subject by the concerning scientific community.