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The informal economy, or informality, remains a pervasive issue in developing countries, including those in Latin America. This study delves into the key theoretical aspects of informality, examining its characteristics, impacts, and particularly its contribution to economic growth. Utilizing a systematic review methodology and the PRISMA method, the study selected twenty-two pertinent articles from databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, and SciELO. The findings reveal that the informal economy significantly impacts economic growth, adversely affecting productivity, formal employment creation, and tax collection. The conclusions underscore that informality detrimentally affects regional economic development due to regulatory deficiencies, low productivity, tax evasion, and inadequate labor protection. Addressing these challenges necessitates the implementation of policies and strategies focused on enhancing the education and training of informal workers, reducing administrative and fiscal barriers, improving infrastructure and basic services, reinforcing regulatory enforcement, and promoting the formalization of informal enterprises.

Iván Enrique Surpachin Miranda, Instituto Sabio Antúnez de Mayolo

Professor, Instituto Sabio Antúnez de Mayolo [ISAM], Lima, Peru. Bachelor in Political Science, Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal, Peru, Doctor in Public Management and Governance, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Peru.

Regulo Montoya Vargas, Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Público Manuel Arévalo Cáceres

Administrator, Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Público Manuel Arévalo Cáceres, Lima, Peru. Public Accountant, Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui, Doctor in Public Management and Governance, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Peru.

Augusto Homero Lino Gamarra, Universidad Cesar Vallejo

Professor, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima Peru. Industrial Engineer, Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, Peru, Doctor in Public Management and Governance, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Peru.

Cristian Gumercindo Medina Sotelo, Universidad Cesar Vallejo

Professor, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima, Peru. Degree in Economics, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Peru, Doctor in Public Management and Governance, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Peru.

Nilton Isaias Cueva-Quezada, Universidad Cesar Vallejo

Member, Editorial Committee of Regunt journal, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima, Peru. Bachelor in Education, Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui, Peru, Doctor in Public Management and Governance, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Peru.

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Received 2024-06-04
Accepted 2024-11-19
Published 2024-11-21