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The document seeks to make a reflecrion on the experience and challenge of the westem steel company to become a socially responsible company. There is a short description of the westem steel company, Subsequently resume the perspecrives of Milton Friedman y Manuel Bestratén Belloví. who have deep differences on how to approach the topie of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Retake these authors allows to evidence two antagonistic places of What can be understood by CSR, also identifying two places in the way oftaking CSR. Determining whether a company is socially responsible is complicated, the reflection involves lhe interpretation ofthe practices in CSR. and as Friedman and Bestratén, the actions taken from the companies also differ in their scope and the ethical reflections on its importance. Subsequently retake the concepts ofmorality and ethics raised by F ocault and reproduced by Schavarstein, and acording to the second author the CSR strategies that are implemented in organizations, finally raise the Provider -borrower relationship in the construction of socially responsible actors. Then we retake the CSR actions of SIDOC S.A from Schavarstein. this exercise allows to reflect a corporate etruc and politic social action, that generates development processes responsible with its environmental, social, economic and cultural environments.

Alexander Rincón Vélez

Trabajador social con Énfasis en desarrollo comunitario enfocado a la asesoria, capacitación y seguimiento de iniciativas económicas y/o proyectos de inversión, de la Universidad del Valle. Actualmeote Trabajador social de la fundación siderúrgica de occidente, Cali - Colombia
Rincón Vélez, A. (2007). CORPORATE SOCIAL REsPONSIBIU1Y "SIDOC S.A ACTIONS FOR REFLECTlON". Cuadernos De Administración, 23(38), 63–72.