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This paper assumes a knowledge network as a form or being that reach a certain level of stability and occupies a portio n ofthe space for a certain period oftime. Underthis idea. Systematizes an experience and makes use of concepts and products of the Contacts Theory and the theory ofstratified spaces,to generate a series of thoughts to the process of management of  knowledge networks. Join new approaches of thought, such as alife line of a network and his systemic vision in stratified environment, the process of virus detection, the process ofvirus detection, the areas ofuncertainty and orders contact networks that generate executables networks.

Yuli ViIlarroel

Doctora en Matemáticas con Post-doctorado en Teoría de Contactos y Aplicaciones. Profesora en Prospectiva en el Doctorado en Ciencias Administrativa, Universidad Central de Venezuela (2001-2007). Asesora Internacional en Prospectiva. Profesora jubilada de la Escuela de Matemáticas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela (1999)
ViIlarroel, Y. (2008). INSTITUTIONALS NETWORKS Of KNOWLEDGEMENT VIEWED FROM CONTACTS THEORY. Cuadernos De Administración, 24(40), 27–38.