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Considering that individuals and organizations for different activities increasingly use social networks (SN), this paper seeks to describe the level of usefulness that business sciences university students find in them, and the impact thereof on their Academic Performance self-perception (APS). The results show that in both Mexico and Spain, the target audience considers that SN are useful for academic topics, this being more noticeable in the first country; Likewise, APS is better in Mexican students. On the other hand, using linear regressions as a statistical technique, in both nations was found that the more usefulness obtained from the SN, the higher students’ APS, which turned out more noticeable in the Spanish case. In today’s world, where thanks to information and communication technologies (ICTs), there are high possibilities for interconnection between people and organizations, these findings are of interest to universities, government bodies and companies because they all offer products and/or services to a public who needs to feel that the former know more and learn about them better, for which SN become a current and versatile tool for dissemination.

Eduardo Ahumada-Tello, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Professor and researcher, Coordinator of the Doctorate in Administrative Sciences at School of Accounting
and Administration, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México. Computer Engineer, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México, Doctor in Administrative Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México, Doctor in Education, Universidad Iberoamericana, México.

Rafael Ravina-Ripoll, Universidad de Cádiz

Associate Professor, Department of Business Organization, Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, Spai. Degree in economics and business, Doctor in History, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain.

Edgar Julian Gálvez-Albarracín, Universidad del Valle

Head Professor, Department of Administration and Organizations, School of Administration Sciences Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. Business Administrator, Universidad del Valle, Colombia, Doctor in Business Administration and Management, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain

Ahumada-Tello, E., Ravina-Ripoll, R., & Gálvez-Albarracín, E. J. (2020). Social networks and academic performance self-perception in business sciences students. Cuadernos De Administración, 36(66), 105–117.
Received 2019-04-12
Accepted 2020-04-06
Published 2020-01-15