Tourism Jobs and Quality of Work-Life. A Perception from the Hotel Industry Workers
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Tourism in general and the hotel industry, in particular, are both shown as great employment generators in Mexico and the world. However, different studies have spotlighted that the labor conditions that prevail in the tourism industry do not achieve the required life quality for the workers. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the influence of Tourism Jobs (TJ) on the Quality of Work-Life (QWL) of the hotel industry staff in the city of Querétaro in Mexico. Querétaro is an industrial and tourist destination that has become an icon of employment and with the highest life quality for its residents. We used a quantitative methodology for this research, applying a self-administered questionnaire to workers at all levels: managerial, administrative, and operational. The results revealed that the staff’s perception about the quality of work-life in tourism jobs is positive but at a lower level. Managers and workers with better training are those who best appreciate both variables. Thus, we observed a strong and positive relationship in all dimensions and the influence of tourism jobs on the quality of work-life, where job stability is one of the determining factors. The study had limitations regarding the sample size; however, it is relevant for the tourism field, helping to improve the working sector conditions.
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Accepted 2021-05-20
Published 2021-06-21

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