Emotional Labor in the Service Sector: The Role of Organizational Commitment
Main Article Content
This research examines the Organizational Commitment (OC) levels and emotional labor (levels) (EL) of employees in the service sector and to determine whether there is a significant relationship between these variables, to identify which dimensions of OC affect which dimensions of EL if there is a significant relationship, and to determine whether EL varies statistically according to demographic factors. For this purpose; a survey has been carried out in Zonguldak province in Türkiye and the data were obtained by a face-to-face survey method of 433 workers actively working in the service sector. These data have been tested with reliability, correlation, simple linear regression, multiple variance analysis, independent sample T-test and one-way variance analysis. Because of the reliability analysis carried out, it has been determined that the scales used in the research have high internal consistency. The correlation analysis indicates a moderate and positive relationship between the normative and emotional commitment dimensions of EL and OC. Because of simple linear regression analyses; it has been determined that the 1-unit increase in emotional commitment caused an increase of 0.693 units on EL and a 1-unit increase in normative commitment caused an increase of 0.959 units on EL.
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Accepted 2023-03-30
Published 2022-09-08

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