Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management Dynamic Capabilities: The role of Knowledge Intensity
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This study aims to explore, at an empirical level, the relationship between Intellectual Capital (IC) and Knowledge Management Dynamic Capabilities (KMDC) as well as the role of Knowledge Intensity (KI) in this relationship. A quantitative methodology with a descriptive and correlational scope was employed using contingency tables, an adjusted standardized residual test, Mann-Whitney test, and a variance-based structural equation model with a sample of 135 organizations in Colombia. The results show a positive relationship between IC and KMDC. Moreover, significant differences were found between firms with high and low KI, suggesting a mediating effect of KI. This research contributes to expanding the literature on understanding the relationship between IC and KMDC. Managers are also suggested to both acknowledge the relevance of IC and prioritize investment in it, promoting the development of KMDC and therefore the creation of competitive advantages.
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Accepted 2022-03-16
Published 2022-01-27

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