Wage Discrimination by Gender of South American Immigrants in the US Labour Market
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Migrants face inequalities that prevent them from having the same opportunities in the labour market as native-born people, to which are added gender, race and nationality discrimination. This research analyses the wage discrimination of South American immigrants, taking as a reference group the native population classified as on-Hispanic whites and Afro-Americans, by gender, in the US context. Data from the 2019 Current Population Survey (CPS) were used, applying a decomposition of Oaxaca (1973) and Blinder (1973), as well as theoretical aspects of gender, nationality and race discrimination that affect wage inequalities. Thus, wage disparity was found in the female population of all population groups compared to their male counterparts, which is not consistent with their higher average educational attainment, something that could be explained, among other things, by unequal treatment in the labour market. In addition, the South American population group has a smaller wage gap than the Afro-American population group, which is due to a greater extent to discriminatory treatment. Finally, there is greater labour discrimination against the most vulnerable groups such as women, South American migrants and Afro-Americans.
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