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There are fewer studies on restaurant, bar, and nightclub workers, and about the work-related psychosocial factors related to work stress and psychological well-being of these workers. This study aimed to examine the relationships between work-related psychosocial factors, work stress, and psychological well-being, through a cross-sectional and correlational research design. The sample consisted of 167 workers (51.9% women and 48.1% men) from restaurants, bars and nightclubs in Jalisco, Mexico. Work-related psychosocial factors were assessed using the revised version by Almirall Hernández et al. (2018) of the psychosocial risk factor scale of the Standard (NOM-035), psychological well-being with the Ryff psychological well-being scale (1989) and work stress with the adaptation to Spanish made by Medina et al. (2007) of the work stress questionnaire of the International Labor Organization ILO. The results showed that leadership, role clarity, work schedule, interference in the work-family relationship, and workplace violence affect work stress. In contrast, workplace violence has an impact on psychological well-being. The need to create strategies to mitigate psychosocial factors that put workers’ mental health at risk is discussed.

Claudia Saldaña Orozco, Universidad de Guadalajara

Professor and Researcher, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico. Bachelor of Marketing, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, Mexico, Doctor in Human Development Sciences Universidad del valle de Atemajac, Mexico.

Oscar Iván Gutiérrez-Carvajal, Universidad del Norte

Full-time professor, Universidad del Norte, Puerto Colombia. Psychologist, Universidad de Ibagué, Colombia, Doctor in Psychology, Universidad del Norte, Colombia.

Jean David Polo-Vargas, Universidad del Norte

Full-time professor, Universidad del Norte, Puerto Colombia, Colombia. Psychologist, Universidad del Norte, Colombia, Doctor in Social and Organizational Behavior, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España.

Guadalupe Montserrat Ibarra Rentería, Centro Universitario del Sur

PhD student in psychology with an emphasis on Quality of Life and Health, Centro Universitario del Sur, Ciudad Guzmán, Mexico. Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.

Leidy Alejandra Franco, Universidad del Norte

Psychologist, Universidad del Norte, Puerto Colombia, Colombia.

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Received 2024-03-02
Accepted 2024-12-17
Published 2024-12-17