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A descriptive study exposes the practices currently conducted by small and mid-sized enterprises (SME) from the metropolitan zone of Guadalajara, Mexico, regarding corporate sustainable development. Nearly 400 companies were found. A questionnaire was taken as reference, previously elaborated and validated, with over 100 questions on corporate practices of sustainable development, applied to the company´s owner. The results were divided into five categories. The data were captured and analyzed based on a descriptive statistics orientation. The results describe their current situation, finding that over 50% of the SMEs from the metropolitan zone of Guadalajara are below these practices, which are not part of their objectives, besides a decoupling existing with all their stakeholders. In the end, some suggestions are made on how to guide SMEs to increase their degree of commitment in this theme

Francisco E. Navarrete Baez

Profesor Investigador. Universidad del Valle de Atemajac. Guadalajara, México. Doctor en Desarrollo Organizacional, Universidad del Valle de Atemajac.
Navarrete Baez, F. E. (2015). Sustainable Development Practices; a Descriptive Approach to Small Enterprises from Guadalajara, Mexico. Cuadernos De Administración, 31(53), 48–58.