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It is clear that for the good development of the public policies it is necessary a good handling of the official resources and to maintain a balanced budget that alouds to have a better focalization of the social public coast, at the same time that a greater degree of improvised flexibility is provided in the application of government policies in benefit of the community. In this essay are exposed the main components of the behavior of the municipal finances of the municipality of Medellin in the last years, emphasizing the undertaken actions to obtain a healthy and balanced handling of the public budget. The text describes the behavior of the heading of the municipal income and its evolution with the recent changes within the legislative and the regulatory national framework -Law 617 of 2000 and Law 819 of 2003-, besides contextualizing the finances of the finances of the municipality within the national, departmental and regional scope.

Mauricio López González

Profesor, Departamento de Economía y Grupo de Macroeconomía Aplicada del Centro de Investigaciones Económicas–CIE- de la Universidad de Antioquia

Ramón Javier Mesa Callejas

Profesor Titular, Departamento de Economía y Centro de Investigaciones Económicas – CIE-, Universidad de Antioquia. Docente de Cátedra, Escuelade Economía Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín
López González, M., & Mesa Callejas, R. J. (2006). ANÁLISIS DE LAS FINANZAS PÚBLICAS DEL MUNICIPIO DE MEDELLÍN (2002 - 2005). Cuadernos De Administración, 22(36-37), 95–120.