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Satisfy the requirements of an increasingly global and exigent demand is a great challenge for any company, but much more for the rural agroenterprises of the country due the low entrepreneurship ofthese productive units and the difficult sih¡ation facing the state support. With this participatory research-action proposal co fmanced by Colciencias, ACAC, CREPIC and University of Cauca 

It is intended that the rural agroenterprise networks adopt systematic practices near the Competi tive Intelligence Influencing in a better articulatíon with the market. Tbe proposed innovation is to identify tbe Sporadic practices on market Monitoring and decision making tbat are currently performed by the rural producers, With habits tbat allow them to become a daily discipline; Moreover, since sorne aspects of the rc are an unattainable complexity for anetwork, The proposal will issue recommendations to guide the regional-national institutional support in this component. 




Adolfo León Plazas Tenorio

Ingeniero Electrónico y de Telecomunicaciones, de la Universidad del Cauca. Magister en Telematica de la Universidad del Cauca. Actualmente profesor Asociado de la Universidad del Cauca; Socio Asesor. en Gestión Tecnológica de Antares Tecnologia, y participa en proyectos del Centro Regional de Productividad e Innovación del Cauca CREPIC, Colombia

Heidy Pabon Ortiz

Profesional en Comercio Internacional de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Actualmente participa eu proyectos del Centro Regional de Productividad e innovacIón del Cauca, CREPIC - Colombia

Sandra Patricia Rebolledo

Administradora de Empresas, Universidad del Cauca. Actualmente participa eu proyectos del Centro Regional de Productividad e innovacIón del Cauca, CREPIC - Colombia
Plazas Tenorio, A. L., Pabon Ortiz, H., & Rebolledo, S. P. (2007). APPROPRIATION OF COMPEIITlVE INTELUGENCE PRACTICES FOR THE ARTlCULATION 10 THE MARKEl OF SMALL SCALE RURAL AGROENTERPRlSE NETWORKS. Cuadernos De Administración, 23(38), 117–125.