Working conditions and burnout in personnel of a Mexican government agency
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Good working conditions help prevent mental health risks, such as organizational burnout, which is understood as the combination of exhaustion, depersonalization, and dissatisfaction with achievement. This research work was developed in a Mexican government agency dedicated to mediation to solve problems between individuals. The objective was to analyze the relationship between the different dimensions of working conditions and occupational burnout to identify potential risks and stressors that could lead to occupational burnout. The working conditions questionnaire (Blanch et al., 2010) and the scale for occupational burnout (Uribe, 2010) were used. Spearman correlations, one-way analysis of variance, and path analysis were performed to test the hypothesis. Results (r2 = .33) confirmed a negative correlation between the components of working conditions and occupational burnout (β = -. 57), also identifying a positive covariation between the development component of the working conditions and the exhaustion of occupational burnout (β = .48), obtaining a model of trajectories with acceptable goodness of fit (Chi2 = 52.09, df = 24, p = .001; RMR = .052; GFI =. 91; CFI = .94; RMSEA = .09, 90% CI [.06, .13]). The importance of promoting favorable working conditions is discussed, seeking a balance between promoting the development of employees and their daily responsibilities to avoid the stress that could affect their health, well-being, and performance.
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