Work-family conciliation, its effect on organizational commitment and job satisfaction in chilean municipalities
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The following study will analyze the work-family conciliation variable and how this affects the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of municipal workers. It is important that organizations consider setting up actions that help Work-Family Conciliation; given that, an imbalance in this area can affect the development of an employee’s work and can also interfere with performance and absence levels within the organization. A survey was given to 387 municipal workers, and we used structural equations for the data analysis. A study was performed with two different approaches to analyze whether there are any differences: the first is divided by gender (male-female), and the second by years of service (less than 10 years and greater than or equal to 10 years). The statistical techniques used to measure internal consistency were the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient; to establish the parameters of the relationships, a causal modeling of structural equations; and to assess moderation, factor invariance analyzes were performed. According to the results, the work-family conciliation does affect the organizational commitment and job satisfaction; therefore, both proposed hypotheses are accepted in the investigation. Regarding the studied approaches, the data provide evidence where result differentiated by gender exists; therefore, men and women value the variables under study differently, but this does not exist for years of service, according to their permanence in the municipality, the officials don´t show differentiated behaviors, but rather it is a cross-cutting phenomenon.
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