Analysis of advertising jingles from the ‘80s and ‘90s through affective computing
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One of the most widespread media in the field of marketing for promoting products, services, and brands is advertising jingles; they are advertising messages made into songs. Their lyrics and music have been created to promote an advertisement or campaign. Thus, advertising jingles benefit from the advantages provided by music to generate positive emotions in potential customers, in addition to the ability to remember a product or brand. Given the few works that focus on the musical and emotional study of advertising jingles, this article explores the advantages provided by affective computing for the study of the emotionality of the music in a set of popular advertising jingles from the ‘80s and ‘90s, considering the acoustic properties of excitation and valence. A tool, called ANEMA (Analyzer of Emotions in Advertising Jingles), was developed to achieve this; it allows the segmentation of an audio track into different fragments where the acoustic properties of arousal and valence are extracted. This in turn allows determining the emotion associated with each fragment within the circumflex model or Russell´s five emotions model (happiness, excitement, anger, sadness, and relaxation) using the trigonometric relationship of acoustic properties. This study aims at serving as a reference regarding the design and evaluation of musical content associated with advertising jingles to stimulate the development of specific emotions in potential clients.
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Accepted 2021-11-22
Published 2022-05-12
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