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Despite international agreements reached at the United Nations Convention on Climate Change since 2015 concerning the transition to Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Sources (NCRE), Colombia, including the Department of Huila, has lagged behind other South American countries. This study aims to provide comprehensive project management guidelines for the development of photovoltaic solar energy projects in Huila and Colombia. The approach incorporates methodological elements from project management frameworks like PMI, PRINCE2, and SCRUM. The methodological design is mixed, involving a documentary analysis of energy demand and supply in Colombia and Huila, consideration of variables essential for photovoltaic solar project development, and integration of the aforementioned project management methodologies. The result is a proposal for methodological hybridization and the establishment of guidelines for structuring photovoltaic solar projects of various types, such as Distributed Generation (GD), Self-Generation and Small-Scale Power Generation (AGPE), Wholesale Power Generation (AGGE), and Large Generators. These guidelines are based on the project life cycle, procedures, activities defined in the proposed methodology, and the legal requirements stipulated in CREG 075 and CREG 174.

Camilo Andrés Jiménez Castrillón, Servicios Asociados SAS

Project Coordinator, Management Department, Servicios Asociados SAS, Neiva, Colombia. Industrial Engineer from Corporación Universitaria del Huila – CORHUILA, Colombia, Master’s degree in Comprehensive Project Management, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia.

Juan Felipe Patarroyo Castrillón, Inversiones Asesorias Valencia SAS

Human Talent Manager, Human Talent Department, Inversiones Asesorias Valencia SAS, Neiva, Colombia. Industrial Engineer, Corporación Universitaria del Huila – CORHUILA, Colombia, Master’s degree in Comprehensive Project Management, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia.

Derly Cibelly Lara Figueroa, Universidad Surcolombiana

Professor and researcher, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva, Colombia. Business Administrator, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia, Master’s degree in organizational sciences, Universidad del Valle, Colombia.

Rafael Armando Méndez Lozano, Universidad Surcolombiana

Researcher, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva, Colombia. Industrial Engineer, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia, Master‘s degree in University Management, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.

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Received 2022-11-09
Accepted 2023-12-31
Published 2023-11-08