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This work sought to analyze the scope of foresight planning in managing Venezuelan public universities (VPU) within the context of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA), Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda (UNEFM), and Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET) information society. This was a documentary study with a bibliographic design, supported on the analytic method; the intentional simple was aimed at three VPUs with foresight plans. The techniques to gather information included bibliographic review, critical reading, and content analysis, among others. Through the results, it was concluded that the VPUs under study coincide in the key areas toward where their foresight plans are aimed: teaching, research, and outreach. Additionally, one of the challenges for them from the information society is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) both in academic and administrative issues. Regarding this, foresight planning is viable in university management. Its reach is broad, considering the present to make future scenarios in agreement with the key areas. It was recommended to identify strategic and emergent aspects at the universities, specifically the domain of corporate information/knowledge and organizational management/strategic level within the foresight framework

Yamileth Pastora Lucena López

Soy Licenciada en Ciencia Política. Mención Administración Pública, egresada de la UFT en el año 1997. Maestría en Gerencia Empresarial egresada el 2002 de la misma Casa de Estudios. Doctorado en Gerencia Avanzada en la UFT 2013. Tengo 16 años de experiencia en la docencia universitaria, me desempeño en la misma función en otras universidades como la UCLA. He realizado diversos cursos inherentes al área de la política, la gerencia y la metodología. Además de dictar clases a nivel de postgrado en el nucleo Cabudare y Portuguesa de la UFT, UNEFA. UNA En mis ratos libre me inclino por leer, disfrutar del séptimo arte, jugar scrable y armar rompecabezas
Lucena López, Y. P. (2014). Analytic vision of foresight planning in venezuelan public universities. Cuadernos De Administración, 30(52), 105–114.