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Despite the importance that the specialized literature gives to the leadership in organizations, There isn't a model that adequately explains the processes through which Leaders influence their followers nor the degree oftransfonnation resulting in the organization. Researches over the past two decades suggest a positive relationship between the leader 's charisma and organizational performance, and the presence of factors that moderate the intensity of this relationship. We suggest that there is a not mediated relationship between charismatic leadership and organizational perfonnance, that this relationship is maintained when the analysis is restricted to financial

indicators, that the relationship is moderated by environmental uncertainty, and that the size ofthe organization exerts a negative moderating effect on the relationship.


It consolidated a set of 22 magnitudes effect which was successively refmed to test different hypothesis through a metaanalysis using the VG2M sirnulator. This paper discusses the results of the simulation and develops conclusions from the same.

Silvio Borrero Caldas

Ingeniero Industrial, de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Especialización en Sistemas Gerenciales, de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Magíster en Administración, de la Universida ICESI. Estudiante de Doctorado en Administración, de la Universidad de Tulane. Actualmente, Director del Programa de Administración, de la Universidad ICESI. Cali – Colombia

Gustavo Andrés Ossa Flórez

Estudiante de Economía con énfasis en Negocios Internacionales, de la Universidad ICESI. Cali – Colombia

Gustavo Adolfo Tascón Durán

Administrador de Empresas, de la Universidad ICESI. Cali – Colombia
Borrero Caldas, S., Ossa Flórez, G. A., & Tascón Durán, G. A. (2008). META-ANALYfICAL REVISION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BE1WEEN CARlSMATlC LEADRSHlP AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFOMANCE. Cuadernos De Administración, 24(39), 125–135.