Visual neuromarketing strategies in two shopping malls in the city of Cúcuta, Colombia
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For a couple of decades, neuroscience has positioned itself as a space for research that cuts across multiple disciplines and sciences. Its contributions generate new discussions within education, psychology, and, of course, marketing. Neuromarketing is a young field of study that is still being defined. In Google Scholar, there are only 21 thousand results of studies related to this topic. This article seeks to describe the visual neuromarketing practices present in two shopping malls in the city of Cúcuta (Colombia). The present paper is a quantitative study with a descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional design that uses an observation guide and a questionnaire as instruments. The first was applied to 220 study units (commercial establishments) and the second to 216 visiting customers. Although there is no certainty about the conscious application of neuromarketing strategies and principles by the owners of the establishments, the results show that customers experience positive emotions (joy, tranquility, euphoria, and affectivity) and elaborate positive concepts about the establishments (pleasant and comfortable), affecting their decision to buy (50%) and to return to the place (90% to 100%). It is concluded that the visual marketing of the establishments analyzed, characterized by the use of warm and cold lights, moderate use of images, predominant display of products and their diversity, little visualization of offers, is influential on the emotions, concepts, and decisions of buyers and customers.
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Accepted 2021-09-17
Published 2021-09-18

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