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This work seeks to empirically verify the relationship between the intra-entrepreneurial culture and innovation in companies. An empirical study was conducted with 68 MICRO and SMEs from the Colombian tourism sector. The results show that practices associated to intra-entrepreneurship exert positive influence on innovation in MICRO and SMEs and, especially, on innovation in their production processes and management. The findings have implications for entrepreneurs, given that they permit them to test the usefulness of corporate entrepreneurship for the development of their organizations. These findings also show to the public sector, academia, and development entities the importance of promoting research, formation, and advisory programs in the field of intra-entrepreneurship to achieve greater innovation and business competitiveness, which may at the same time result in greater regional and national development.

Edgar J. Gálvez Albarracín

Doctor en Economía y Gestión de Empresas, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena-España. Magister en Creación de Empresas y Gestión de Proyectos Innovadores, Universidad Montesquieu Bordeaux IV-Francia. Administrador de Empresas, Universidad del Valle, Colombia. Profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Administración, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Gálvez Albarracín, E. J. (2011). Intra-entrepreneurial culture and innovation: an empirical study in the colombian tourism micro and SMES. Cuadernos De Administración, 27(46), 103–114.