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Nearby 11.000 entrerprises were eliminated, country-wide in the first four years of the decade of 1990. This article seeks to establish, through a qualitative study that uses method of case that there are alternatives to companies emerging from the liquidation or restructuring process. This would be the self-management model. Also we describe a case showing the main cultural, administrative and management characteristics, which the self-managed organizations have. From this diagnosis of the essential elements of these companies, several cases of study were characterized: Cales y Derivados de La Sierra S.A. CALDESA; Laminados y Derivados, Layder, (whose case is presented in the article); Minera Las Brisas; Cooperativa Los Guaduales, in Antioquia; Artgrancol and Calzado La Corona, in Bogota. The creation of the companies, self-managed by the workers, constitutes an opportunity for the conservation of productive units, which contribute to improve the quality of life of the workers and their families.

Fausto Maussa Pérez

Magíster en Administración, Universidad de Medellín. Administrador de Empresas, Universidad de Medellín. Docente e investigador tiempo completo, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, Universidad de Medellín
Maussa Pérez, F. (2010). Alternative model for company self-sufficiency. Cuadernos De Administración, 26(44), 41–56.