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When a worker returns to work after a medical disability, they may present work restrictions that warrant adjustments within the organization, which can impact the quality of work life and productivity of the worker. In order to determine the quality of working life and its relationship with sociodemographic and occupational aspects in workers reincorporated in a rapid transit bus company, a study was carried out with a quantitative, observational, cross-sectional design; using the CVT-GOHISALO instrument. This instrument measures the quality of life at work in terms of satisfaction from the analysis of 7 dimensions: institutional support for work, safety at work, integration to the job, job satisfaction, well-being achieved through work , personal development and free time management. The total number of workers reincorporated in the company participated (N = 75). From the data obtained, statistical analyzes, Chi2 and Fisher tests were carried out. As results of this research, it is evident that of the 7 dimensions of quality of life at work, 5 obtained a low level of satisfaction: integration to the job (60%), satisfaction with work (62.7%), well-being achieved through work (53.3%), personal development of the worker (56%) and management of free time (93.3%). The 2 dimensions with a high level of satisfaction were institutional support (58.7) and job security (66.7%). Likewise, a relationship was found between age with well-being achieved through work (p = 0.028) and with the worker’s personal development (p = 0.025), relationship between schooling and integration into the job (p = 0.043) and with the administration of free time (p = 0.004). respectively). In general, this research evidence that workers manifest low quality of work life related to personal factors, work history and organizational conditions; although they manifest high satisfaction in the dimensions that value the role of the supervisor or immediate boss, making visible the role of facilitator they have in the return to work process.

Ana Milena Galarza Iglesias, Profesora

Professor, School of Human Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. Occupational Therapist, Doctor in Health, Universidad del Valle, Colombia.

Lessby Gómez Salazar, Universidad del Valle

Professor, School of Human Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. Physiotherapist, Doctor in biomedical sciences, Universidad del Valle, Colombia.

Cecilia Andrea Ordóñez Hernández, Universidad del Valle

Professor, School of Human Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. Physiotherapist, Universidad del Valle, Colombia, Doctor in Health Sciences at Work, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.

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Received 2020-10-22
Accepted 2021-05-20
Published 2021-06-21