Main Article Content
This issue of Cuadernos de Administración by the Faculty of Administration Sciences of the Universidad del Valle, allows us to come closer to its 45th year of existence. Throughout this time, we have tried to publish different types of scientific research, review, or reflection papers by national and international authors who have relied on us to disseminate their knowledge. To every one of them, our authors, our referees, the members of the Editorial and Scientific Committees, but especially our readers, we would like to thank them for allowing us to continue, through digitalization, to bring a more significant impact on the sciences of administration.
In the 66th issue, thirteen scientific papers have been published. The arbitration process guarantees the quality of the authors and their contributions in Spanish or English, to make a publication 100% in English, in the pursuit of higher knowledge dissemination. In this sense, we put to our readers’ consideration the editorial process undertaken in this issue, in the hope that its content will be a support or become a starting point for new discussions and concerns in their reflections and research, or that, if applicable, it will allow in future reviews or translations into other languages.
The first article in this issue, entitled “Characterization and determinants of organizational satisfaction in Mexican SME workers,” by using quantitative methods, attempts to build a model to understand organizational satisfaction from variables related to job satisfaction through a survey to 646 workers, of both sexes and between the ages of 18 and 70, in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
“Management of Corporate Social Responsibility in Project Management: Theoretical Approach” is the title of the second paper, and it aims to conduct a theoretical discussion on social responsibility within the framework of project management. The methodology defines the steps taken by the researchers to achieve presenting elements and conclusions from the different theoretical approaches found.
The third article “Coordinating sustainability, globalization and urban intelligence with Habitat III and SDG-2030 agendas: the challenge of sustainable urban development in cities”, is the result of research in 83 cities where, using the correspondence analysis technique, the authors analyzed around urban development, globalization, urban intelligence and sustainability, and whether these relate to sustainable development and habitat goals.
The fourth article, “Trust as a mechanism to improve performance in organizations,” includes a relational model between employee trust in the organization and company performance, as mediated by an organizational commitment to learning and employee commitment to the company. Using quantitative methods, through a 31-item survey applied to 161 individuals from different organizations in the southwestern region of Colombia, the relationship between competencies and skills management and the performance of organizations is analyzed.
In the fifth paper, the authors investigate the concept of productivity in the context of knowledge workers. As a method, they applied interviews to a group of managers and workers from organizations in the knowledge-intensive services sector and ultimately raise some challenges. The title of this article is “Work Productivity Management in Knowledge Intensive Service Companies: Considerations and Challenges.”
“Impact of economic internationalization policies in Colombia, Peru, and Chile,” is the sixth scientific research paper, where, from a mixed approach paired with documentary analysis of the different government plans and categories of export development, integration agreements, and institutional development, and by analyzing quantitative variables from GDP, exports and trade balance, the authors analyze how trade policies and integration in Colombia, Chile and Peru impacted their international trade in the period from 1980 to 2017.
The seventh article in our 66th issue is called “Financing decisions in the creative and cultural SMEs of Bogotá, Colombia.” Through a survey, the authors compare assumptions from financial theories in cultural and creative SMEs in Bogotá, finding some factors that drive their financial decision-making.
Using linear regressions, the authors compared the influence of social networks in the self-perception of the academic performance of a group of university students in Mexico and Spain. The findings show differences in both countries. “Social networks and academic performance self-perception in business sciences students” is the title of the paper mentioned above.
The ninth article is entitled “Social norms and entrepreneurial intent in university researchers in Colombia.” Therein, the authors, using quantitative methods, propose relationships between social norms, among other variables, and entrepreneurial intent when conducting a survey on peer reviewers at Colciencias and the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The results account for the relationships found, which a literature review supports.
In the paper “Sociological ambivalence in three Latin American corporate control institutions: Tax Inspectorate (Colombia), Statutory Examiner (Mexico) and Statutory Audit (Argentina),” the authors propose some contradictions present in corporate control and do so from the theoretical framework of sociological ambivalence. Qualitative content analysis is used to approach the institutions studied.
The paper “Reflections towards Responsible Tourism in the Framework of Social Responsibility” aims to present Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) elements in the context of the hotel subsector, based on literature documentary analysis, to propose improvements in social responsibility practices in the sector.
“Investment projects: definition from the perspective of processes” is the title of a paper that presents an analysis of the definition of investment projects from the perspectives of the subject, method, and object of intervention in order to identify their relationship with the improvement of processes. Among the findings, it is evident that most of the definitions are framed within the method or form of intervention.
Our last paper in this issue is a review. It carries the title “Shared value: a bibliometric review of literature from the approaches of strategy, corporate social responsibility, and stakeholders,” where the authors conduct research based on a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis, and focus on the evolution of the concept of shared value, presenting elements from its proposal and some current tendencies.
The content of each paper is the sole responsibility of their authors. This issue presents a new opportunity for the national and international scientific community to judge the outcome in each of these proposals.
We hope you will continue to accompany us as readers of our scientific journal.
- Carlos Hernán González-Campo, Editorial , Cuadernos de Administración: Vol. 35 No. 64 (2019)
- Carlos Hernán González-Campo, Editorial , Cuadernos de Administración: Vol. 32 No. 56 (2016)
- Carlos Hernán González-Campo, Editorial , Cuadernos de Administración: Vol. 35 No. 65 (2019)
- Carlos Hernán González-Campo, Editorial , Cuadernos de Administración: Vol. 34 No. 62 (2018)
- Carlos Hernán González-Campo, Editorial , Cuadernos de Administración: Vol. 34 No. 60 (2018)
- Carlos Hernán González-Campo, Editorial , Cuadernos de Administración: Vol. 33 No. 58 (2017)
- Carlos Hernán González-Campo, Editorial , Cuadernos de Administración: Vol. 34 No. 61 (2018)
- Carlos Hernán González-Campo, Editorial , Cuadernos de Administración: Vol. 36 No. 67 (2020)
- Carlos Hernán González-Campo, Editorial , Cuadernos de Administración: Vol. 35 No. 63 (2019)
- Carlos Hernán Gonzalez-Campo, Editorial , Cuadernos de Administración: Vol. 33 No. 59 (2017)
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Accepted 2020-04-24
Published 2020-01-15