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The first section of this paper pre­sents the general characteristics of Lain American and Caribbean public policy. It begins with an introduction that states its contemporary orienta­tions from a conceptual perspective which relate them to the development process implemented in the region. It is also introduced the civil society or­ganizations (CSO) approche to this issue in which the stress is on popula­tion needs satisfactions.

The sccond section, states the re­lationship between telecommunica­tions and Value Added Services. Since 1990 until now they have gone through a process of technological and enterpreneurial modernization which, in the last meant their privatizations in most of the countries althought there are exception! that confirm the structural diversity that characterized the continent identity.

The third section describes the growth process of the Internet in the region. A characterizations of the digital gap is made comparing our continent and the developped coun­tries by means of indicators that con­firm this situations.

The contextual elements pre­sented in the prévins sections explain the public policy characteristics for internet which have been identified in the present moment. Concepts and references values that become objec­tives and goals to reach in different countries acknowledge their speci­ficities, Finally, concret activities that public policies implement in the field of legislations, technological modern­izations and connectivity process are presented.

Paul Bonilla Soria

Doctor en Jurisprudcncia por la Universidad Central del Ecuador y rcalizó cstudios de Maestría en Ciencias Sociales cn la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO, sede México. Actualmentc es Profesor Principal dc la Facultad de Comunicación Social dc la Universidad Central dcl Ecuador y de la Univcrsidad Internacional SEK. Ha sido invitado por la Universidad del Valle dc Cali, Colombia, para dictar cursos en cl Postgrado de Políticas Públicas de la Facultad de Administración
Bonilla Soria, P. (2003). Políticas Públicas para internet en América Latina y El Caribe. Cuadernos De Administración, 19(30), 35–48.

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