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In Colombia, as it is know the forced migration process generated by differ ents sorts of violence which devastate society has increased in recent times. It is estimate that in the last three years more than two mil­lions and a half people have been active subjets of displacement and forced migration. The associated causes to this phenomenon come from economics crashes in wide geo­graphical areas to retaliations and threats coming from the diverse armed confict actors. This displacement has generated strong stress for the territorial entities (i.e. departments 

and department governors, munici­palities and local governments). In this sense, it has been intended to built an external public policy to solve the problem which has been determinated by the rol that multilateral organiza­tions such as, International Migration Organization I MO and NGOs play. This paper analize the response pro­cess implemented in the lastfour years and the creativity generated to find out alternatives to the present prob­lems related to migrations andforced displacement treatment particularly in Colombian southwest area. It con­siders the international actors, the NGOs, the local and national goverment and the implicit dynamic of the so called "Plan Colombia", flghtind mechanism against drugs supported by the militar and eco­nomic aid from de United State to Columbia, started in Pastrana admin­istrations and continued in President Alvaro Uribe goverment.

Edgar Varela Barrios

Licenciado en Filosofia-Humanidades y Magister en Historia Andina de la Universidad del Valle. Profesor titular, Facultad de Ciencias de la Administracion, Universidad del Valle. Es Coordinador del grupo de investigacion "Gestion y Politicas Pllblicas" de la Universidad del Valle y Par Evaluador de COLCI ENCIAS en el area de Ciencias Politicas
Varela Barrios, E. (2003). Incongruencias y dificultades en las respuestas de Políticas Públicas frente a los procesos de desplazamiento Interno en Colombia. Cuadernos De Administración, 19(30), 83–112.